A murder takes place on the very first page. The main accused, Jack Connor, fervently denies his charges, since he was in a romantic relationship with the victim, and was expecting a child as well. But what to do, if all evidences seem to point at him?
His friend, Jeremy Stone and attorney, Harry Stavers, embark on a challenging task to unveil the true murderer. What they find unravels the reader - everyone seems to have had the opportunity and motive for this heinous act. What is more, there's some hired criminals on the loose who can kill unblinkingly if required. Relationships come in loops, loyalties and personal interests arise and seem to make the situation very complex.
This is a crime thriller that keeps you hooked till the very end. Its been in front of your eyes all the time, but you cannot pinpoint the killer. The language is gripping, and the characters are very real. Jac Wright has come with a best seller, and possession of it is an absolute must!
Unpublished at present, the book is likely to become available very soon. Look out for it!
I had received an advance copy from the author. I was lucky!